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Colorantes Industriales Colorantes Industriales

Colorantes Industriales

Who is Colorantes Industriales Colorantes Industriales?

Colorantes Industriales was founded in Barcelona in 1983 as a company specialized in dyes for the Leather and Textile industries. Colorantes Industriales, with its worldwide presence, is today a leading player in the Leather industry and a reference company in the Textile sector. The basis of the product development and quality control. Colorantes Industriales offers a wide range of products covering all the stages of the tanning process. Everything is manufactured in the Castellbisbal facilities, in reactors and mixers ranging from 500 kg to 12 tons. All integrated into an automated system that ensures consistent product quality through an extensive and continuous monitoring of the process. The modern equipment and qualified personnel are at the basis of the product development and the quality control from raw materials to the final product. A leading company in dyes and chemicals for the leather and textile industries.

Castellbisbal, Spain

1-10 Employees



Computer Software


Information Technology

Contact of Colorantes Industriales Colorantes Industriales

City: Castellbisbal

State: Catalonia

Country: Spain

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Colorantes Industriales Colorantes Industriales

The company Colorantes Industriales Colorantes Industriales is located in Castellbisbal, Catalonia, Spain. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Colorantes Industriales Colorantes Industriales has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Colorantes Industriales Colorantes Industriales has it's main focus in the industries of Information Technology